The European Championship team from Altensteig continues to put its faith in a turntable trailer as well as two swap bodies completely customised by Kögel to meet the needs of the team. The conclusion of this contract for six years is recognised by both sides as a sign of confidence, continuity and reliability.
The swap bodies and turntable trailer will help the team to deal with the logistics and representation tasks of the taxing racing season in an optimum manner. Both swap bodies are special constructions which are not available as such in the Kögel portfolio. One of the swap bodies is provided to the service team as a store for spare parts and it also houses a separate office and rest-room area for European Champion Jochen Hahn. The second swap body serves as a transport and stores solution for the catering sector.
“In Kögel, we have a strong partner without whose support our success would no longer be possible,” comments Jochen Hahn, reigning European Champion and driver of the Castrol Team Hahn Racing. “And Kögel trailers provide us with amenities the whole team would not want to have to do without. We are therefore all the more pleased that we can start the new season with two new swap bodies straightaway.”
“As far as we were concerned, it was not a question of whether we extend the contract with the Hahn Racing Team, but when”, says Petra Adrianowytsch, Managing Director at Kögel. “We are delighted to send a clear signal with this six-year contract and will fully support the Hahn Racing Team after the change of brand. “With Jochen Hahn we still have a friendly and down-to-earth brand ambassador to present our trailer to all truck fans throughout Europe in a suitable environment.”