Spotlight on the IVECO E-WAY H2: less weight, 15% more passenger capacity

Up to seven time less batteries than a BEV bus (one module instead of 7), with 15% more passengers. These are the specifications mostly stressed by IVECO BUS when outlining the features of IVECO BUS E-WAY H2, presented at Busworld 2023 in Brussels.

Up to seven time less batteries than a BEV bus (one module instead of 7), with 15% more passengers. These are the specifications mostly stressed by IVECO BUS when outlining the features of  IVECO BUS E-WAY H2, presented at Busworld 2023 in Brussels. The bus model derives directly from the E-WAY BEV bus model and integrates the fuel cell technology of the South Korean multinational Hyundai Motor Company, represented by HTWO. IVECO BUS E-WAY H2 is a finalist for the Sustainable Bus of the Year 2025 award, whose winners will be announced at FIAA in Madrid on October 22, 2024.


Iveco E-WAY H2, the background: focus on manufacturing

A significant feature of the E-WAY H2 is its significantly lighter design, compared to the BEV version equipped with 485 kWh batteries. This reduction in weight not only increases passenger capacity to 111 from 93 but goes also together an enhanced range, which on the fuel cell model is increased by 25%.

iveco e-way h2

On the roof we find fuel cell and battery thermal management units at the front, followed by the carbon dioxide heat pump air conditioning system (Konvekta UL500); further to the rear are the hydrogen tanks, consisting of four type 3 cylinders (aluminium liner coated in carbon fibre) capable of just over 31 kg storage of H2, and at the back the traction system cooling unit.

In the former engine compartment there’s room for the fuel cell module, inverters, and converters, plus a 69 kWh NMC battery module positioned transversally, developed by FPT Industrial (the same one that, in greater numbers, equips IVECO BUS brand electric buses). This battery features an energy density of 178 Wh/kg.

The E-WAY H2 is currently only available in twelve-metre lengths, with two or three doors.

The driveline is the Siemens ELFA 3 provided by Cummins group (and more specifically by the division Accelera by Cummins) with 310 kW of peak power and 3,000 Nm of maximum torque, powered by a hybrid system managed by new software platform (eVeCoP: electric Vehicle Control Platform) capable of optimising energy flows from the fuel cell and the battery.

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